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- Not more than 8 hours per day, and not more than 48 hours a week of danger as defined in Law Department.

- Less than 7 hours per day and less than 42 hours per week.


● interval.


- On the employer to provide employees working a consecutive interval of not less than 1 hour per day.

Within the first 5 hours of work.

- Mr. and hire employees to be agreed in advance with a time interval of less than 1 hour but time.

Not less than 20 minutes at a time and when combined can not be less than 1 hour per day.

- In case the page is similar to a cursive. Or emergency work will never stop.

Employers are not held for employee time interval. But must have consent from employees.


● weekly holiday.


- Must not be less than 1 day per week with a term not exceeding 6 days apart.

- Employees are eligible to receive holiday pay in weekly. (Except for hourly employees daily.

Or the performance by calculating the unit).

- Employers and employees will be agreed in advance. Make a weekly holiday, any day.

- The transit hotel in the forest in the Turkandar. (Fisheries of the fire) works.

Other ministerial as the employers and employees to set agreed in advance. Cumulative and moving holidays.

Weekly when possible but in any period not exceeding 4 consecutive weeks.

- If holiday weekly uncertainties that employers announced a holiday prior to the employee.

At least 3 days written notice to employees and labor inspection within 7 days from the date.

Announcements scheduled.


● traditional holiday.


- Must not be less than 13 days per year overall with the National Labor Day if the holiday tradition.

Meets weekly holiday. Compensation to stop working the next day.

- Employees are eligible to receive holiday pay as customary.


● annual holiday.


- Employees who work consecutive 1-year anniversary is right to stop the annual vacation at least.

6 working days per year.

- Employees are eligible to receive paid annual vacation.

- If employees are not working full 1 year part time to stop by.

- For employers to set annual holiday prior to the employee or set.

As agreed.

- Employers and employees agreed to move forward and accumulated annual vacation to the total.

Stop in any other year.


● maternity leave.


- Employees who are pregnant women have the right to maternity leave before and after birth, one child less than 90 days.

To count the holiday leave during the day. And employers to pay wages to employees who take birth.

Equal wages on work during leave, but not exceeding 45 days.


● leave for sterilization.


- Employees have the right to sterilization and La La eligible due to medical sterilization time.

Novel class set. And certification by the eligible employees on paid leave by then.


● leave the bank.

- Employees are eligible to take the necessary functional requirements by working.


● leave for military.


- Employees are eligible to receive military leave to call troops to check for military training or courses.

To test equipment. The leave is equal to the number of days that military call. And paid over.

Time to leave but not exceeding 60 days per year.


● leave for training.


- Employees are eligible to take training or knowledge to develop guidelines and procedures.

Defined in the Ministerial Regulations without paid leave on that.


● wage.


- Is money that employers and employees agreed to pay a fee based on the contract.

For a period of typical hourly daily weekly or other time or pay.

The calculations based on work done at the employee's normal work days. And includes the employer money.

Paid to employees on holidays. Leave and the employee does not work, but is eligible to receive legal protection.


- Employees have the right to receive wages not less than minimum wage.

- If there is no set minimum wage in any area to be considered. Minimum wage is fixed.

Minimum wage rates of the area. (Law associated minimum wage means the basic wage boards.

Required to pay a basic rate of minimum wage).


● working overtime. And work on holidays.


- In case of similar consecutive to do if stopped or is the damage to the emergency.

Employers may provide employees. Overtime. Or work on holidays as required time.

- Hotel business of entertainment facilities, transportation cafeteria beverage outlets Association club.

Medical Affairs and other departments will be determined by employers to employees working in holiday times.

Required time. The consent of the employee occasionally.

- In case of overtime to the normal working hours at least two hours employers.

Must provide employees with interval. Not less than twenty minutes. Before the employee starts. Overtime. (Excluding work.

Nature or conditions of work do cursive. The consent of the employee or a job.



● working overtime costs in overtime on weekends and holidays.


- If working time exceeds typical weekday. Employers must pay overtime no less.

One half times the wage rate per hour based on the number. Hours or at least do one.

Half times the wage rate per unit. Based on the number of works have been done for employees.

Wages by work.

- If holiday overtime work in typical working day, employers must pay. In overtime.

Holidays for employees at three times the wage rate per hour. Based on the number of hours.

Or as a result of work done for. Employees receive wages based on work by calculating the unit.

- If working holiday in normal working hours. Employers must pay for working on holidays. To employees.

To be eligible for holiday pay in an additional 1 times the wage. Based on hours of work.

Holidays or the amount of work done. For employees who receive wages based on work by a calculation.

Unit employees are not entitled to paid holiday pay at least 2 times the wages in.

Based on hours worked on holidays or the number of results. Possible for the employee to receive wages.

The calculation is based on work units.


● compensation.


- Employees are entitled to receive compensation. Termination by the employer if the employee is not following errors.


1. Employees who worked 120 consecutive days, but not fully completed 1 year eligible to receive compensation.

Equal wage rates last 30 days.

2. Employees who work consecutive 1-year anniversary 3 year anniversary, but not be entitled to receive compensation equal.

Wage rates last 90 days.

3. Employees who work full 3 consecutive years but not completed 6 years is eligible for compensation equal.

Wage rates last 180 days.

4. Employees who work full 6 consecutive years, but not full 10 years are eligible to receive compensation equal.

Wage last 240 days.

 5. Employees who work 10 consecutive full years are eligible to receive compensation equal wages.

Rates last 300 days.


- In case of lay employees, employers will improve because agency. Distribution process.

Or services due to bring equipment or device changes. Machine or technology.

Cause to reduce the number of employees down. Employers have the following.


1. The termination date. Reasons for termination. And the list of employees to hire disabled employees, workers and employees make. Not know in advance. Less than sixty days prior to termination if not.

Notify the employee prior to termination. Or notice period of less than sixty days.

2. If no advance notice. Or notice of less than 60 day period the employer must pay.

Extra compensation to employees in lieu of notice equal value. Employment rate last sixty.

Day or equal pay for work of the last sixty days. For employees who receive wages.

The calculation is based on work units.


Compensation in lieu of notice is deemed to have employers pay salary instead of speeches.

Statements comply with.


Employers have to pay extra compensation from the compensation normally follows.


1. Employees work six consecutive years to complete. Employers will have to pay compensation. Extra.

From regular compensation which the employee is already entitled to receive. Wage rate not less than the last.

Fifteen working days to complete one year. Or at least pay for work of the last fifteen days.

To work one full year for which employees receive wages based on work by calculating the unit.


2. This includes special compensation and wage rates must not exceed the last three hundred sixty days, or not.

Than wages of working the last three hundred sixty days. For employees who receive wages based.

Works by calculating the unit. However, total wage rate must not exceed the last three hundred sixty.



3. For the benefit of the calculating compensation special. Fraction of time working on more than one.

Miscellaneous ten days. It is working to complete one year.


- In case the employer moved to set up operations at another location is a critical impact.

The normal life of the employee or family.

1. Mr. employer notice prior to the employee not less than thirty days before the move.

If the employee does not wish to work with. Employee has the right terminate the contract by get special compensation not less than hundred. Fifty percent of the employees regular rate of compensation should be eligible.

2. If the employer does not let employees know the relocation operations prior employers need.

Special compensation. Instead of notice equal wage rates last thirty days.


Exception that employers are not required to pay compensation: employees are not entitled to compensation in any one case.


- Own employees leave.

- Betrayed by the criminal responsibility or intent to violate the employer.

- Allow employers deliberately damaged.

- Employer negligence cause serious damage.

- Violations of rules or regulations about work or the employer's order is unlawful and wrong. And employers have already written warnings. But if serious.

Employers do not need warnings. This letter is to alert the effect was less than 1 year since.

Date employee was guilty.

- Desertion for a period of 3 consecutive days. Whether a holiday or otherwise separated by.

No reasonable reason.

- Has been under judicial custody to the prison to prison.


If the employer has determined that the time course of employment. And employer termination. Scheduled time.

Include the following.

1. Employment in the project. Only non-regular job or business. Trade, which employers.

Must start and end time of work indeed.

2. A look from time to time. A set of termination or the success of the event.

3. Work is seasonal. And employment at the time of the season, which will be completed.

Less than 2 years employers have a book contract. When hiring from the start.



● use of women workers.


Do employers give employees the following working women.


- The mining or construction work to be done under the water in underground tunnels or caves in mountains in the chimney.

But the nature of work. Harmful to health or not. Body of the female employees.

- Work to do on the scaffolding above the ground from 10 meters to go.

- Production or transportation of explosives or inflammable materials.

- Other tasks as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.


Do employers provide employees with pregnant women during working time. 22.00 -06.00 pm Past work.

Hours worked on holidays or one of the following.


- The mines or work. Construction to do the underwater cave in underground tunnels or in the chimney.

Mountains but - - - nature of work not harmful to health or. Body of employees.

The women.

- Work on a machine or engine vibration.

- To install the driver or vehicle.

- Raise the shoulder load Ton drag or haul more than 15 kilograms of weight.

- The job board.

- Other tasks as defined in the Ministerial Regulations.



● use of child labor.


- Do employers hire children under 15 years were employed.

- If the employment of children less than 18 employees must notify the employer employs workers make.

Within 15 days from the date. Children to work. And notice of termination. Employ child labor is to make employees within 7 days of the child from work. Employers must provide a room at 1 hour per day within the first 4 hours of work and the sub-interval is determined by the employer.

- Do employers use employee children under the age of 18 years during 22.00 - 06.00 pm

Unless authorized by the Director-General.

- Do employers use employee children under the age of 18 years of overtime.

- No employer to employee children under the age of 18 years to this.

- The fuse blown or cast iron metal.

- Location gambling.

- National Dance Rmwg or Ronggeng dance.

- Where alcohol is food or drink tea. Other sales and services by.

There are literally entertain for employees. Or for a relaxing sleep. Or a massage.