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Network security, occupational health of Southeast Asian (Asean-Oshnet)

Network security of the ASEAN Occupational Health



            Safety and good health of the workers. Which are important in developing countries. Is one factor that can be demonstrated and the standard of their country. And metrics can be competitive with other countries in order to build capacity and develop labor standards of all countries in ASEAN to the ASEAN FORUM strong in the meeting when the Year 2527 project has to cooperate. To establish network security, the Occupational Health. The objective to start Pattanatananon k collaboration between agencies, occupational health safety. To develop capacity. Both in terms of education, research, training and information exchange between each other, which was followed by meetings and coordination between the ASEAN countries. To prepare and the possibility of establishing a network of the term. 

            On 15 -17 October 2539 ASEAN Secretariat organized a workshop on the possibility of establishing a network of training centers and information to improve the ASEAN working conditions and environment (Workshop on Feasibility Study on. Establish ASEAN Training and Information Centre Network for Improvement of Working Conditions and Environment) at. Quezon city, Philippines. Attendees include executives and officers from security agencies of the ASEAN Occupational Health. The meeting was to approve the proposal, which has substance. 


            1. To establish a secure network. And Occupational Health of ASEAN (ASEAN-OSHNET) with government agencies responsible for security. Occupational Health and a member of Asean. 

            2. To establish a board network security. And Occupational Health of Southeast Asian (ASEAN OSHNET Coordinating Board) to serve as policy and operational planning of the network. And report results to the meeting of ASEAN Committee on Labor (ASEAN Subcommittee on Labour Affairs-ASCLA. While that is current. ASEAN Labor Ministers Meeting) The executive agency of each member country to join the Committee. 

            3. To call the network board 2 times a year and has appointed the party secretary network. To a unit for coordinating operations. 

            4. To provide the operations of the network as a key project of ASCLA. 

            5. To follow the plan, including 4 years and 6 above. 

                1. Collect and disseminate information. News of the prevention and control hazards in the workplace. Regulation, training and research activities of government agencies and employer associations, employee associations in occupational health safety. 

                2. Expand the exchange and development, set standards, training materials and promotional campaigns. Work safety, occupational health. 

                3. To submit to the appropriate technology to improve the environment in ways that save. 

                4. Education needs, training, occupational health and safety of members. And support operations training. 

                5. Encourage collaboration in research. Of member countries. 

                6. Education needs a mastery of specific occupational health safety of members. And support the exchange of experts between each other. 

            Conference on Workshop to Operationalise the Four Year Plan of Action of the ASEAN Occupational Safety and Health Network (OSHNET) on 28-30 November 2543 at the Jakarta city. Indonesia. The meeting was to approve 4-year action plan of the network in substance as follows. 

            1. Increase cooperation and unison of the center / institution. Safety in the work of member countries. 

            2. Development capabilities of the center / ITD. To promote training and research in occupational health safety. 

            3. Promote the exchange of information skills training at เเ safety, occupational health. 

            4. Promote development and create unified standards. Occupational safety and health practices of ASEAN. 

            The activities of member countries to implement the network. Co-issued charge of operations and mission of operations of the network is divided into 4 main activities and the resolution to 4 countries a coordination center on each side. The current increase is 5 main activities as follows. 

                     - Thailand is responsible for the information. 

                     - Training in the Philippines. Is responsible. 

                     - Research, Indonesia is a responsibility. 

                     - Occupational health safety standards. Malaysia is responsible. 

                     - Check the security. Singapore. Is responsible. 

Has appointed members to the Corporate Secretary is responsible for the network. By imposing conditions. Term operating time, 3 years to be elected to the new alternate. This can extend to 1 times the current in Laos served as Corporate Secretary to the network since 2551-2553 BC.


           Current members of the network security and occupational health of ASEAN. Includes the 10 ASEAN countries including Thailand, AstraZeneca Bora Brunei Darussalam. Kingdom of Cambodia. Lao People's Democratic Republic, Myanmar. 

Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Malaysia, Republic of the Philippines. Republic of Indonesia. Republic of Singapore and Thailand.


           Network security. And Occupational Health of ASEAN as an effective network to help support the development of environments in a secure and hygienic. To better quality of life. Of the workforce to increase productivity and competitiveness.


             1. Collaboration and assistance between member agencies closely. 

            2. Add capabilities to enhance safety training and safety research agencies. And Occupational Health. 

            3. The flexibility and speed of communication links and exchange of information security. Occupational Health and international members. 

            4. Merge integration standards. Regulatory practices safety. And Occupational Health of the ASEAN is in the same direction.


            1. Collect and exchange information. In the course of training and science documents, including preparation and implementation of standards. And practices, occupational safety and health. 

            2. Develop knowledge security. And occupational health of the region based on the needs of member countries is based. 

            3. Develop training programs to meet the needs of member countries with emphasis on training expert. To lead to expansion in the form of assistance and self-reliance. 

            4. The activities of the network. To a budget jointly responsible manner. 

            5. The research collaboration with research institutes, academic institutions and private non-profit. 

            6. Join a network of organizations. Agency security expert. And other occupational health. 

            7. As representatives of ASEAN to participate in related international standards or policies. 

            8. Providing budget support resources. And technical assistance from ASEAN countries, partners of ASEAN. And other international agencies. 

            9. Committee associated with relevant international partners of ASEAN, ASEAN, international nongovernmental organizations including labor unions. Council of Employers Organization. Council employee organization. 

          10. Disseminating information about the activities of the network for public safety organizations, agencies. And occupational health and other agencies have been informed


Thailand's role in the network security of the ASEAN Occupational Health

             Ministry of Labor. Assigned to the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare. Agency responsible. To participate in the activities of the network by providing the Director-General of the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare. Representation in the Board of Directors Network (ASEAN OSHNET COORDINATING BOARD) and provide security institutions to work as a coordination center for information of the network, which has a mission. In addition to a planned development of information systems to the network members can link exchange is Li ย information. Information security, occupational health. Effectively created. Also is responsible for determining project-related information that the member countries will operate under the name of the network also. The Institute works in security missions as assigned. The structure and topics of information security, occupational health members shall be published and to exchange basic information for operational safety, occupational health. In addition, approval has other projects in member countries provide information that includes the. Project preparation Widitasns PR network the Occupational Health Safety. Conducted by the Philippines. Network project journals the Occupational Health Safety. Electronics. Operated by the Department Secretary networks. Projects associated with the computer network. Operated by the Department Secretary networks. And plan for the information of the planned network. Include the development of IT personnel in the network. Media development and publishing knowledge, information security, occupational health in the targeted countries to have more members. 

            Overall and cooperation of countries in the ASEAN operations. Network security or occupational health. Benefit of all members countries. In the development of occupational health safety. Is the progress of cooperation to enhance quality of life standards of people in this region to achieve international standards and to create a good image of the country's competitive stage of the international community that is higher by day.