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Labour Minister Assigns Secretariat to Welcome Mongolia in Discussions to Strengthen Cooperation in Labour

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          On March 31, 2022, Labour Minister Mr. Suchart Chomklin assigned Secretariat to the Labour Minister Mr. Suthep Chitayawong, Assistant to the Permanent Secretary of Labour Mr. Samat Pattamasukon, and the Ministry of Labour’s senior executives to welcome H.E. Mrs. Ariunzaya Ayush, Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Mongolia, and delegation, on paying a courtesy call. The visit also discussed labour issues such as cooperation on skill development, recruitment services, labour protection, and the possibility of participating as an observer at the ASEAN Labour Ministers Meeting and other meetings held under the ASEAN Labour Framework. The occasion took place at the Chatumongkol Room, 6th floor, Ministry of Labour.
          Mr. Suthep said that as Labour Minister, Mr. Suchart Chomklin has important missions requiring him to travel abroad to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirate, he and his delegation were assigned to welcome the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Mongolia, and delegation. Today, the Ministry of Labour is pleased that Thailand and Mongolia will work together and support each other, to strengthen their relationship in international labour. This will benefit the economic and social development of both countries together.
          “The Ministry of Labour would like to thank Mongolia’s Minister of Labour and Social Protection and delegation for the opportunity to visit and share their interest in discussing labour issues. This joint discussion will create a good labour relationship between the two countries in the future,” concluded Mr. Suthep.


Division of Public Relations
31 March 2022