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Awareness on National Anti-Corruption Strategies to Spread

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            Deputy Permanent Secretary of Labour Mr. Singhadet Chu-umnart and the ministry’s executive team, joined the meeting which disclosed the third phase of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy (2017-2021), approved by the Cabinet on 11 October 2016. The Ministry of Labour has already formed a 4-year government operations plan as well as subsequent annual plans in alignment with the 20-year national strategy and reformation plans.




            At the Prasong Rananant consderence room, Advisor to the Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Dr. Manee Chaiteeranuwatsiri spoke about the vision of the third phase of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy which is to clear the nation from corruption of all forms. It also involves promoting an anti-corruption culture and enhancing good governance in all forms of management, as well as reforming the whole anti-corruption process to meet international standards, which will mean an anti-corruption index of over 50 percent.
Mr. Singhadet said that the National Anti-Corruption Strategy would point the Ministry of Labour in the right direction for operations, and prevention of corruption in the government system towards zero corruption. The meeting was attended by executives from the Office of the Permanent Secretary, the Department of Employment, the Department of Skills Development, the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare and the Social Security Office.


Bureau of Public Relations/
27 March 2017
Kantipon Kusmit – News
Butsarakorn  Tuidoiบุษ – Photos