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“Big Wah” donates over 4.9 million baht to descendants of Thai workers who died in Singapore.

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         On June 27, 2018, at 13.30, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labortogether with Mr. Jarin Chakkaphark, Permanent Secretary of Labor and management gave check to the heirs of Mr. Pongsak Meetam, 45, Nakhon Si Thammarat. Thai workers die from work in Singapore at the Labor Ministry’s sixth floor, Ministry of Labor. Mr. Pongsak Meetam, a crew member of RCL Shipmanagement Pte Ltd, died of acute myocardial infarction. On July 10, 2017, the Singapore Labor Office coordinated the Ministry of Labor in Singapore. And employers about the benefits of the deceased. On June 11, 2018, the Ministry of Labor of Singapore issued a letter stating that the death of Mr. Pongsak was due to work. The successor of Mr. Pongsak is eligible for compensation. The Ministry of Labor of Singapore sent a check to TMB Bank for a fee of S $ 204,000. It is about 4,990,000 Thai Baht paid on behalf of Mr. Nom, the father of the deceased. The Ministry of Labor has coordinated the heirs of Mr. Pongsak. The company has made a memorandum of agreement between the heirs. The benefits are divided into 5 equal parts, namely the father and son of Mr. Pongsak.

          H.E. Police General Adul added that working overseas legally will result in workers being protected. Include benefits, wages and benefits according to the labor law of that country. That is if you suffer from illness or death. It is protected with respect to the right and fair. It also has a good quality of life, not to be afraid, to hide or worry about being arrested because it comes to work legally. In addition, if there is a problem abroad, the Thai Labor Office or the Thai embassy abroad will represent the government in the care of Thai workers abroad as well.
