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Cabinet Approves Ratification of ILO Convention 111

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           The Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-General and spokesperson Mr. Soothi Sukosol spoke about the Cabinet’s meeting on 9 May 2017, which approved for the ratification of ILO Convention 111, concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation, 1958, as presented by the Ministry of Labour. The Cabinet further assigned the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to prepare the instruments for ratification to be signed before the International Labour Organization.
    Mr. Soothi explained that ILO Convention 111 is 1 of 8 conventions concerning discrimination in employment and occupation. The convention promotes national policies and standards to prevent and eliminate discrimination, focusing on promotion of equal opportunities and treatment. The convention is beneficial to the workforce in accessing professional services and training, development and fair compensation with no discrimination as to race, ethnicity, religion, gender, political views, national extraction, social status or other bases. The convention further promotes equality in professional opportunities and environment.


Spokesperson and Publication Sub-Division/
Bureau of Public Relations /
haninthorn  Phettab – News/
16 May 2017