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Declaration on Protection and Promotion of Migrant Worker Rights Underway

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          Permanent Secretary of Labour M.L. Puntrik Smiti assigned Deputy Permanent Secretary of Labour Mr. Singhadet Chu-umnart to represent the Ministry of Labour at the Special ASEAN Senior Labour Officials’ Retreat, along with representatives from the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, the Department of Employment, the Social Security Office and the Bureau of International Coordination. The retreat was in continuation from the Ministerial Retreat which was organized in February 2017 in Davao, Philippines, to discuss protection of migrant workers.  
The Special SLOM Retreat discussed the details on how to implement the ASEAN Declaration on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers which included important definitions and basic rights of migrants in ASEAN. Once the declaration is complete, it will be submitted to the ASEAN Leaders Summit this April.





Bureau of Public Relations – News/
Bureau of Coordination For International Cooperation – Information/
23 March 2017