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Deputy PM Leads Manpower Development Plan to Support S-Curve Industries

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          The Deputy Labour Minister continued to improve the country’s manpower development action plan, supporting S-Curve target industries in response to the COVID-19 situation.
          On June 30, 2021, Deputy Labour Minister Prof. Narumon Pinyosinwat chaired the meeting of the Subcommittee on Labour Development and Coordination of Vocational Training in S-Curve Target Industries No. 3/2021. Advisor to the Deputy Labour Minister M.L. Puntrik Smiti and the Department of Employment’s Director-General Mr. Suchart Pornchaiwisetkun joined the meeting. Deputy Director-General of the Department of Skill Development Ms. Jiraporn Poonyarit performed as the Secretary of the meeting, which took place at the Pakorn Angsusingh meeting room, 10th floor, Department of Skill Development.
          Prof. Narumon said today’s meeting followed up on the progress of operations following the labour development and coordination of vocational training plan in the S-Curve target industries to promote products and develop manpower for the country’s target industries in an integrated manner between the relevant departments. The initiative consists of 3 main activities, including the collection of plans for production and labour development projects, analysis of job titles and requirements, and matching between project plans and labour requirements to find gaps in development leading to future project plans. In addition, the action plan was adjusted to cope with the COVID-19 situation, as the government has declared a state of emergency in Bangkok, which prohibits group gatherings of more than 20 people. This caused the Department of Skill Development to the inability to proceed as planned previously. The meeting proposed having more sub-group meetings in each industry, coordinating additional information from relevant agencies, and providing complete information useful for operations, including weekly progress reports for the most efficient operation.
          The Deputy Labour Minister said that for past operations, they had requested cooperation from agencies involved in the development of manpower in the S-Curve targeted industries to review and add to the project plans for the year 2021-2028 to be more relevant. Job titles and quantitative workforce requirements were also analyzed in the S-Curve target industries, including information on labour demands in 12 target industries for 2020. The Department of Skill Development has currently prepared a draft of the 2nd Function Map, in consultation with representatives of the aviation and logistics industry groups, intelligent electronics industry, and digital industry, to consider a draft job plan and labour requirements.
          “Although the COVID-19 situation continues, the task of equipping the workforce in the S-Curve industry also continues. The format and operational guidelines must be adjusted to suit the situation appropriately to equip workers with skills and knowledge to compete in the labour market,” concluded the Deputy Labour Minister.


Division of Public Relations
30 June 2021