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E-Work Permit System Due for Launch this April

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          On 21 April 2017 at 14.30, Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul visited the foreign worker coordination center in Tak to follow up progress and system readiness before issuing the first e-work permit which reduces processes, facilitating both employer and foreign worker. The Labour Minister said, “The e-work permit system will provide foreign workers with a smart card which is easy to carry and difficult to copy. The cards are also easily checked as officers can use their smart phone to verify information on the QR code shown on the card. The Department of Employment will use the system with migrant workers entering through MOU channels starting April 2017 at the foreign worker coordination centers in Sra Kaew, Nong Khai and Tak; the system will be piloted in Tak. Migrant workers who have already received their work permit through MOU channels can apply for extension through the e-work permit system.”

        The foreign worker coordination center is a measure taken in compliance with government policy issued on 26 July 2016 and approved by the anti-human trafficking and illegal labour policy committee. The center intends to provide information to foreign workers on all areas of work and life in Thailand such as basic Thai sentences, laws, labour contract content and traditions. The center is also for selection and verification before work permits are issued and before the foreign workers enter the kingdom to avoid exploitation and illegal entry. 
        Programs at the centers have been piloted in 3 provinces including Tak, Sra Kaew and Nong Khai for migrant workers, where approximately 100,000 have been assessed and trained; Tak alone has seen 60,000 workers from a total 4,800 employers who applied to the program. The center ensures legal migration of workers through MOU channels and selection processes from origin countries, and provides an instant visa to stay in the kingdom before gaining training before being sent to the employer.


Bureau of Public Relations / Miss Pattarin Neeraphol –  News / Mr. Sompob Silbut  – Photos / 21 April 2017

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