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EJF Meets Permanent Secretary to Discuss Government Issues

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          Today (18 August 2017) at 10.00 hours at the Permanent Secretary of Labour’s meeting room, Permanent Secretary of Labour M.L. Puntrik Smiti assigned Deputy Permanent Secretary Mr. Singhadet Chu-umnart to welcome Mr.Stephan Jermendy and Mr. Dominic Thomson, representatives from the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF). The two parties discussed 1) Ratification of ILO Convention 87 concerning freedom of association and protection of the right to organize and ILO Convention 98 concerning the right to organize and collective bargaining 2) Ratification of ILO Convention 188 concerning work in the fishing sector 2007 3) Ratification of protocol under the ILO Convention 29 4) For the Ministry of Labour to host the regional conference in display of anti-IUU progress 5) Anti-human trafficking and illegal labour measures. 
Bureau of Public Relations
Pariyaron Phromsakha Na Sakonnakhon – Photos & News
18 August 2017