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Executive Labour Management Training Completes 7th Batch

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          Permanent Secretary of Labour M.L. Puntrik Smiti chaired the closing ceremony for the seventh batch of successors from the Executive Labour Management training at the Berkley Hotel Bangkok. She said that in managing labour issues there would be many obstacles to overcome, therefore good leaders at the management level must be equipped to ensure operations run smoothly and successfully. She said that this would mean diligence, sacrifice and determination to operate transparently, morally and ethically towards success; success meaning working for the people’s benefits and towards national goals. The Permanent Secretary urged training successors to apply their knowledge for the benefit of their respective units and to work together as a tight network to drive forward the Ministry of Labour’s missions.
          The Permanent Secretary of Labour encouraged the executive training successors to drive assignments particularly on informal workers – the heart of the ministry’s missions in 2018. This will include skills and professional development, employment promotion enforcement of relevant legislation and a drive to extend the retirement age in support of the expected aging society in 2021.
          On this occasion, the Permanent Secretary presented certificates to all 49 successors of the executive training. This comprised 10 people from the Office of the Permanent Secretary, 10 from the Department of Employment, 10 from the Department of Skills Development, 8 from the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare and 11 from the Social Security Office.


Bureau of Public Relations/
Chaninthorn  Phettab – News/
Sompob Silbut – Photos/
20 September 2017