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“Futurium” Launched to Promote Skills Devleopment

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         The Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-General and spokesperson spoke about studies from many research institutions on the importance of workforce skills development towards a Thailand 4.0. This is an issue that Labour Minister General Sirichai has given great importance to whereby gathering suggestions from all stakeholders to formulate a direction to support industrial growth in the next 5-20 years. Strategies have directed the workforce from a “Manpower” towards a “Brainpower” phase to ensure sufficient skillsets, particularly in languages, technology, ethics and professional ethics. He explained that the Ministry of Labour is currently following the 5-year master plan on workforce development which involves 6 components; improving workforce and business productivity for economic competitiveness, protection and support for better living amongst the people, international labour management, development of mechanisms for sustainable balance of the workforce, ethical management of organization and workforce and development and development of information technology. The Ministry of Labour is also currently working on the 20-year human resource development plan (2017-2036) which looks at developing all age groups towards the 21st century, in alignment with government policy. 

         Mr. Soothi continued to explain the Ministry of Labour’s focus on all working groups, particularly as the country enters an aging society. The ministry has established employment centers to promote employment for senior members both centrally and regionally, also providing training so that they can be self-sufficient. At the same time, the ministry has also focused on new graduates ensuring skills alignment with labour demands and to promote flexibility and multi-skills to work across industries such as in agriculture, services and industries. 

         Mr. Soothi concluded that the ministry was ready to work with the Ministry of Science and Technology, for a “Futurium” as approved by the Cabinet. This will be another place for assessment and skills development for the younger population and new workforce entrants to align with industrial targets for a first s-curve and new s-curve. 



Spokesperson and Publication Sub-Division/
Bureau of Public Relations /
Chaninthorn  Phettab – News /
21 April 2017