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“Gen. Adul” discusses the 3 Councils to determine the occupation of reserves for the main beneficiary of national interest.

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         The Minister of Labor, Mr. Adul Sangsingkaew, presided over a professional consultative meeting on the qualifications of ASEAN professionals (MRAs). Together with representatives of the three councils, namely the Council of Engineers, the Federation of Accounting Profession and Council of Architects and the related agencies are Engineering Institute of Thailand. Under the Royal Patronage, Department of ASEAN Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department of Trade Negotiations and TDRI at the conference room 5th floor of the Ministry of Labor Office will be convened to say that the Ministry of Labor has complied with the Royal Decree on the Management of Alien Work, BE 2560 as amended.

           The 39 remaining occupations, which have concluded that occupations are reserved for 28 Thai nationals and allow foreigners to do so under the condition of 11 occupations, accountants, architects, and engineers have complied with the terms of the agreement between the ASEAN Member Countries, with the movement of workers under the legal conditions of each country, where all 3 migrant workers must not be an employer but as an employee under the supervision of Thai employers only.
         Gen. Adul said that this is a discussion of the three professional councils today. In the beginning, the principles of each professional council. All comments should be taken into consideration, taking into account the maximum benefit of Thai workers and the nation. The Ministry of Labor has assigned the comments from all parties to the code and invite the relevant agencies to meet again to make a clear conclusion this June.
