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“Gen. Adul” Enhances Competitiveness and Skill Standards to Boost Thai Kitchen to the World

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          The Labour Minister has put focus on policies to strengthen competitiveness and develop skill standards of Thai cooks in Taiwan to elevate the standard of the Thai kitchen to the world.



           Labour Minister, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo has formed policies to improve workers’ skills to become super workers, increasing national competitiveness. On November 23, 2018, the Thai Labour Office in Taipei, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour’s Department of Skill Development organized a project to promote Thai labour skill standards in Taiwan, in the Thai culinary field of level 1, during November 21-23, 2018, at Yamicook Cooking School, Taipei, Taiwan. Assistant Professor Suwannee Arjharnarong, Specialist in Thai Cuisine from Rajamangala University of Technology, Thanyaburi along with staff from the Department of Skill Development conducted the training and skills assessments for participants.
           This project aims to promote the government’s policy in elevating the Thai kitchen to the world and promote the expansion of the Thai cooks in the Taiwanese labour market. There were 30 applicants for the training, all of which were Thai workers in restaurants or in professions relevant to Thai cuisine in Taiwan. This was the second batch that the Thai Labour Office in Taipei has trained, whereby all participants passed the assessment.
           On November 23, 2018, the Thai Labour Office in Taipei was honoured by Mr. Phubadi La-Or-ngern, Deputy Executive Director of the Thailand Trade and Economic Office (TTEO), who presided over the presentation of certificates of merit to the 30 assessment successors. Ms. Nannatee Wiboonchutikula, Director Trade from TCEB was also joined in the ceremony.


Division of Public Relations/
News by Chaninthorn Phettab/
Photos by Thailand Trade and Economic Office (Labour Affairs Office)/
November 25, 2018/