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“Gen. Adul” joins the ISSA Presidency to discuss Vision Zero Strategy to promote workplace safety culture.

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          On June 28, 2018 at 09.30 am., Minister of Labor, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo welcomed Dr. Joachim Breuer, President of International Social Security Association (ISSA) and Dr. Chaiyut Chavalitnithikul The Safety and Health Promotion Working Group (Thailand) visited and paid a courtesy call on at VIP staff, the Grand Hall 201 – 203 BITEC Convention and Exhibition Center. The International Association for Social Security launched Vision Zero to help businesses recognize the culture of workplace safety, preventing accidents, hazards and deaths from work. It also promotes safe and healthy working conditions in all types of businesses. They also discussed the social security cooperation between the International Social Security Association and the Ministry of Labor, the Security Working for Informal Workers.

           H.E. Police General Adul added that The Ministry of Labor has a policy of Safety Thailand to promote the creation of a protective working culture. From the young people in the school to the youth, they have been educated and aware of the safety in their work in the future. Moreover, the activities of safety and occupational health have been continued to commemorate the establishments participating in the campaign to reduce the accident statistics from work to zero. We would like to thank the International Social Security Association for the commitment of the Ministry of Labor to drive the culture of safety and health in the workplace and to push informal workers into the social security system. Thai workers have a good quality of life and are protected from illness or old age. The Ministry of Labor is ready to cooperate and be part of the strategy to achieve the next goal.

