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“Gen. Adul” led the training team to increase the potential of low income people in Nonthaburi.

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          May 30, 2018, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labor along with Mr. Jarin Chakkaphark, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labor and the management of the Ministry of Labor visited the Occupational Employment Opportunity Program, the Low Income Labor Register to create a job, create a career, increase income, and stability in life at the Office of Skill Development in Nonthaburi.
          Gen. Adul said that the Ministry of Labor was assigned to implement the program to increase the potential of low income people registered state benefits to create a career, increase income and stability in life. According to the 20-year national strategy (2560 – 2564) on the development of opportunities and equality in society, aimed at vocational training of low-income registered people more than 6 hundred people, assigned to the Department of Employment, support recruiting for low-income people, and promoting home-based employment. Department of Labour Protection and Welfare And the Social Security Office to ensure the protection and promotion of social security contributions to low income people. Department of Skill Development practices in vocational training to enhance the skills of low income earners registered vocational training in various courses to improve the quality of life of people with lower incomes according to the policy of the Ministry of Labor for upgrading skills.
          Then, the Minister of Labor visited the vocational training program of low income workers who registered for state welfare to create jobs, create jobs, increase income, and secure life at the Nonthaburi Skill Development Office. The low income people in Nonthaburi province who wish to practice. There are total of 4,157 staffs trained by the Office of Skill Development in Nonthaburi. Traditional Thai food, Artificial flowers, Artificial flowers, Artificial flowers. There is also a link to the Job Box system of the Department of Employment, focusing on employment, income, so that less people can see the job vacancies and also with the Office of the Secretary to promote the use of privileges. It is associated with low income.