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“Gen. Adul” meets Thai ambassador in Seoul to expand Thai labor market in Korea.

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                On September 26, 2018, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labor and his delegation traveled to the Government of the Republic of Korea to disseminate and expand the Thai labor market by meeting and discussing government affairs with Mr. Singthong Labpisetpun, Thai Ambassador in Seoul and gave the honorary plaque to the outstanding Labor Volunteers of the year 2018, then visited and gave policy to the Labor Department at the Royal Thai Embassy in Seoul. 

               The Republic of Korea has a policy of employing foreign workers by allowing foreign workers to work in the Employment Permit System (EPS) since 2004 to protect Korea’s employment opportunities and solve the labor shortage problem in the workplace by allowing employers who are unable to hire domestic workers to hire properly qualified migrant workers to prevent human rights violations of foreign workers The Ministry of Employment and Labor of the Republic of Korea will select the sending country and set quotas for foreign workers each year. It also sets the ceiling for the delivery of foreign workers. The occupations that permit work under the EPS system include construction, agriculture and livestock, fisheries, and services.
             According to the Immigration Bureau of the Republic of Korea, in May 2018, there were 174,443 Thai nationals residing in the Republic of Korea, with 296,676 Thai legal workers. There were 55637 illegal workers, 58.6 percent of all Thai residents live in the Republic of Korea. In addition, the problem of Thai workers working in the EPS system. As of September 2019, 24,552 people were found to live in excess of 2,836 people, representing 11.5 percent of all EPS workers.
            “Visiting the Republic of Korea this time, w will visit Thai laborers working in Korea. We also discussed with the Korean government to find solutions to the problem of illegal Thai workers in Korea. In addition, we will discuss the expansion of the Thai labor market in Korea, ” Gen. Adul said in the end.
