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“Gen. Adul” Opened the 32nd National Occupational Safety and Health Administration to raise safety standards.

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            On June 28, 2018, at 10:00 am, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labor At the opening ceremony of the 32nd National Occupational Safety and Health Conference in Grand Hall 201 – 203, Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center (BITEC), Bangkok, said that the government, under the leadership of General Prayut Chan The Prime Minister has pushed the country to the vision of Thailand 4.0 by accelerating economic policy. The development of transport infrastructure, transportation, and high-tech industries to increase the capacity of small and medium enterprises, and the development of special economic zones and the promotion of large-scale investment projects. The main driving force behind this economic policy is the “backlash” of labor. 4.0 and need to raise the level of labor to be ready to drive the country to the 4.0 era by creating a learning system, developing quality human resources, being aware of self care, family, and society to be safe. One of the factors that will help increase the level of labor is to share a culture of prevention to ensure that all workers are safe and healthy. It leads to the sustainable prosperity of everyone in society. The Zero Accident Campaign 2018 awards were presented to 655 corporate representatives, including 14 Platinum Awards, 55 Gold Awards, 115 Copies, 193 Awards, and 278 Awards.

            H.E. Police General Adul added that the Ministry of Labor, by the Institute of Safety, Occupational Health and Working Environment (Public Organization) is committed to creating a culture of safety in the workforce, focusing on precautionary measures. We recognize that creating a culture of safety in our home societies is not easy, and it will take time to integrate all of the relevant stakeholders in the start of the Thai culture to provide people with safety and healthy. The quality of labor is the driving force behind the country’s economic and social stability, prosperity and sustainability.
            Then after the opening ceremony, Gen. Adul and The executives of the Ministry of Labor visited the exhibitions from the government, the private sector, the education sector, and the operational network. And invite people who are interested in being a Safe Thai to create Thai culture protection. Safety, Occupational Health, and Sustainable Well-being For the 32nd National Occupational Safety and Health Conference, 28 – 30 June 2018 at the 1st Floor Exhibition Hall, Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center Bangna, Bangkok. For more information, please call 02-448-9111 or visit
