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‘Gen. Adul’ said not to extend the course, the remaining ‘4 days’ only! June 30th until midnight.

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          Today (June 27, 61) H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo revealed that the Ministry of Labor Organize the work of aliens: Cambodian, Laos, Myanmar to legalize and enjoy the benefits and protections according to international standards. The past has been coordinated with the country of origin to prove nationality in Thailand. There are 122,291 people working in Cambodia, 96,257 in Cambodia, 8,327 in Laos, and 8327 in Cambodia. There are 17,707 people currently in the country, 115,502 of them have survived, and 6,789 are Cambodians, 6,516 are Cambodians, and 273 are Laos. The workers who have to go to OSS according to cabinet resolution on 16 January 2018 are 1,320,035. By March 31, 2018 the number of 961,946 people and then the Cabinet has extended the time for the staff to complete the operation by June 30, 2018, which has reached the OSS in the second phase. 348,022 people currently live in the country. 324,132 people are citizens or 93.14%, still remain 23,890 people or 6.86% are citizens. Information as of 26 June 2018.
           “Ask the employer to check the work permit. That’s legal Or expired? And documents of migrant workers before taking action. To reduce the time taken and not be deceived by migrant workers within 30 June 2018, which will be carried out until midnight. If you do not recommend to return home and return to Thailand again in the form of import under the MOU system, which is now only four days left, the employer urged foreign workers to work within the deadline. The Ministry of Labor is ready to provide services to employers and migrant workers fully. And please confirm that the government will not be relaxed. No extension of time, certainly June 30, 2018, has not been implemented. Foreign workers will not be able to stay and work. During the last week, there will be a plan to mobilize the big offenders. Starting July 1, if found alien working without a work permit or work outside the right to do so will be fined 5,000 – 50,000 baht after paid the fine, the aliens will be sent outside the Kingdom and will not be allowed to work within 2 years from the date of the offense. At the same time, an employer hiring an alien without a work permit or a work permit, apart from the right to do so, will be fined 10,000 – 100,000 baht per alien who hires one. If repeated offenses are punishable by imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or a fine ranging from 50,000 to 200,000 Baht or both and can not hire foreigners to work for 3 years of the Aliens Management Act of 2560 and the amendment. However, if the foreign worker wishing to work. In Thailand, it must come in the form of MOU importation. All steps of the law must be legitimate and acceptable to the society, ” Minister of Labor said in the end.
           For more information, please contact the Provincial Employment Office. Bangkok Employment Office, Area 1-10 or call the Ministry of Labor 1506 press 2 Department of Employment.