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“Gen. Adul” said on ILO Thailand promotes the Role of Women in Development in All Dimensions.

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            On June 4, 2018, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo said the statement at the 107th International Labor Organization (ILC) meeting in Geneva, Swiss Confederation. Thailand says it is committed to promoting gender equality. Gender equality has been integrated into all aspects of the country’s development. Policies, measures, and mechanisms have been used to promote women’s development and equality including women’s rights under the principle of non-discrimination. Gender equality between women and men is included in the Thai Constitution and the 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan (BE 2560-2564), which focuses on people-centered development, cover, and reduce social disparity. Gender Equality Act, 2015 and Women Development Strategy(2017-2020) is another important step in promoting women, Protecting Labor Rights, and Equality. The national policy of Thailand 4.0 is to transform the country into an innovation-driven society and do not leave anyone behind to become a high-income country. It helps to increase the opportunities for women to participate more equally in the development.

            Gen. Adul further states that Thailand has become a party to the international agreement on promoting empowerment and equality for women. In particular, ratification of Convention No. 111 last year. It confirms the commitment to women’s development and the integration of women into the national development process. In the past, the economic and social status of Thai women has improved significantly. The number of female executives in government and private sectors is likely to increase. Workplace policies are rapidly changing to accommodate and enhance women’s ability to participate more clearly in the labor force.
            “Women in the workplace are a challenge for Thailand especially in informal and female migrant groups. However confirmed that Thai government is committed to working closely with the ILO and stakeholders both nationally and internationally, to promote gender equality. Valuable work and paving the way to the future that is beneficial for everyone anyway,”  Gen. Adul said in the end.
