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“Gen. Adul” set up a war room to assess the situation of helping refugee workers in Israel.

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                On September 25, 2018, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labor chaired the video conference with Mr. Sakdinath Suthisakyothin, Senior Counselor (Labor) at the Royal Thai Embassy, ​​in Tel Aviv to discuss ways to evacuate Thai laborers in Israel War by migrating from Israel to the Republic of Cyprus to return to Thailand at the meeting room, 5th Floor, Ministry of Labor. The Minister of Labor has urged the Labor Department Provide knowledge to Thai workers to prepare for and facilitate evacuation in times of war, such as guiding them when they need to be evacuated. Food, drinking water, medicines, travel documents, travel maps, labor classification as a category for easy evacuation, and notification system to Thai migrants. Each establishment has a safety net, and a plan to evacuate back to Thailand. It also urges Thai workers to keep up with the official notification from the authorities.


            Gen. Adul also urged the Ministry of Labor to set up a war room to monitor and assess the unrest situation in Israel, following discussions between representatives of the Department of Employment and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ministry of the Interior Immigration police on September 10, 2018 in Cyprus found that if the Israeli war with Lebanon and Syria and the escalation of violence need to evacuate Thai workers. Currently there are about 1,000 Thai workers working in northern Israel who are in the noise zone and 4,500 workers in the northern region. It is estimated that there are 2,000 voluntary workers returning to Thailand. It will move to central and southern Israel temporarily until the situation is calmed down, with 2,000 Thai workers using the Haifa haulage route in northern Israel. It takes about 10-12 hours to travel to the Republic of Cyprus at Larnaca. Limassol Harbor takes about 14-18 hours by using a boat with a capacity of 500 passengers, which takes 3-4 trips. An emergency that can not evacuate Thai workers by boat to Cyprus. Thailand plans to emigrate Thai workers to southern Israel to travel to Jordan by setting an immigration stand at Jerusalem or the Dead Sea. At the same time, the Israeli authorities have set up war shelters in every village in Haifa, and the Israeli government has set a deadline for the Thai side to wait for migrants to migrate.
            In addition, the Thai government will prepare a plan to move people from the Republic of Cyprus back to Thailand. It may be used by charterers or commercial aircraft. The request for military aircraft. Both sides will consider making a memorandum of understanding and mutual agreement to carry out the evacuation of Thai workers.
            Currently there are 24,028 Thai laborers working in Israel, of which 22,736 are legal workers. Among them are 22,361 agricultural workers, 290 welder and cooks, 45 nurses, and 40 others, such as air mechanics, car repairers. The remaining 1,292 were illegal workers.
