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“Gen. Adul” was glad The Ministry of Labor of Fiji is confident of Thailand’s efficient labor management.

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          On June 13, 2018, at 14.30, H. E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labor, paid a courtesy call on HE Mr. Jone Usamate, Minister of Labor and Welfare, to pay a courtesy call and discuss the labor cooperation between Thailand and Fiji in the future and impressions in Labor Study at the Ministry of Labor of Thailand at the Reception Room, 6th Floor, Ministry of Labor.

           H. E. Police General Adul said the Ministry of Labor of Fiji has thanked the Ministry of Labor for providing assistance for the study visit under the Thailand-Fiji Technical Cooperation Program. The focus is on the Smart Job Center (job seekers and employers) who would like to bring the system back to Fiji. 4.0 Create jobs, create jobs, earn income, increase skilled skills, work more variety, reduce losses in the production cycle, and the introduction of informal workers into the system as well as Thailand. They also want to send workers to work abroad after seeing the operation of Thailand as a model. In addition, the Minister of Labor of Fiji expressed his appreciation for the work of the Thai Ministry of Labor in solving the labor problems of the unemployed and mentioned that there are currently 37 Thai workers working in Fiji. Workers are welcome to cooperate and support workforce management as Fiji has given confidence and is ready for the future of Fiji and other countries. The Labor Minister said in the end.
            The study tour under the Thai-Fiji Technical Cooperation Attended the Government Employment Program / Project of the Employment Department by visiting the Smart Job Center and the Bangkok Job Recruitment Office, Area 9, IT Square, Laksi. Best Practices and Productivity Programs and Measurements of Department of Skill Development Visit the office of Skill Development in Nonthaburi, listen to mission briefings and increase productivity on the occasion of the Labor Inspectorate and the Workplace Wellness Program of the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare held a presentation on Labor Inspectorate and the work of the Thai Union Group Company Limited, Samut Sakhon.
