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ILO seeks for the measures to systemize informal workers

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An increase of informal workers coming along with Small sized business, family business, agricultural works, home services, and self-employed works such as peddler, motorcycle driver, taxi driver, tricycle driver, etc. tends to increase, not only in Thailand having approximately 24 million informal workers, but also in all countries, particularly, developing country since those businesses are easy to set up, low investment, and not get a strict from government in terms of tax, and employment because there are a huge number of workers give up hope from seeking for formal work, some feel free to work independently, some have uneducated so that they could not choose for a job, most of them accepted the situation due to the need of income and employment.
Several conferences of International Labour Organization: ILO raised the support on the expansion of informal business and number of informal workers that it would not cause benefit to national economic development in all regions leading to lack of income from revenues while those group of people get facilities on a level with registered entrepreneurs. In addition, it leads to management of labour’s problems including the problems regarding breach of labour laws by employer, unemployment problem, job hopping, unstable income, non-skills, unsuitable working environment or safety at work, being downtrodden or taken advantage, being unable to access welfare or social protection as formal workers, in particular, when informal workers are alien workers it would add more problems to public sector since it might be regarding unable to access informal workers because the different of jobs and workplaces or the regulations that not cover those group of workers. Hence, if the situation remains unsolved, it would difficult to solve later.