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Increased Wages to Motivate Workers to Fishing Industry

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            The Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-General Mr. Soothi Sukosol spoke about the labour shortages in the fishing industry whereby the Ministry of Labour was prepared to present resolutions to the Wage Committee to consider wage adjustments in the fishing industry to 12,000 Baht per month, equating to a minimum 400 Baht per day. The ministry is also prepared to present to the committee considering wages based on skills standards to motivate skills development and help the shortage of workers in the fishing sector. The Thai Fishing Association, business operators and employers showed that they were ready to improve employment conditions, wages and other benefits such as health and accident insurance, as well as arrange for accommodation and food for the workers.
            Mr. Soothi concluded that the proposal to the Wage Committee to increase the minimum wage to 12,000 Baht a month or 400 Baht a day would be a source of motivation for Thai nationals to work in the fishing sector.


Bureau of Public Relations

8 June 2017

Kantipon Kusmit – News