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IOM Consulted on Collaboration for Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts

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           Permanent Secretary of Labour M.L. Puntrik Smiti welcomed Mrs. Dana Graber Ladek, Chief of Mission at International Organization for Migration (IOM) to Thailand, on a visit to consult future ways of working together. The meeting took place at the Executive Operation Room at the Ministry of Labour. The IOM discussed 4 main agendas on working with the Ministry of Labour which included promotion of training for migrant workers in the services, construction, manufacturing and household work industries, aligning skills with the needs of the private sector; this will be discussed further with the Department of Skills Development. The next agenda was on creating a manual for language coordinators, supported with academic information for the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare to provide training to labour inspectors, whereas the third agenda discussed cooperation on training officers with the Department of Employment, improving the selection process. The final agenda was on storage of information on Burmese workers in Mae Sod district of Tak, whereby working with the local labour and employment offices, also supporting the Social Security Office in providing medical services to the workers.




          “The Ministry of Labour thanks the IOM in caring for workers in Mae Sod of Tak province, which is the entry point for many migrant workers. The IOM has consistently cared for their hygiene and have partnered with local agencies and neighbouring nations to amend legislation to eliminate exploitation and ensure protection. As we work together in the future, our working ways will become more integrated and efficient,” said the Permanent Secretary.

        The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is an inter-governmental organization in the field of migration, promoting collaboration between nations to resolve migration issues in alignment with human rights policies. The IOM has assisted the Ministry of Labour on missions involving protection of migrants, labour inspections to prevent exploitation and has provided protection to migrants registered in the social security system.


Bureau of Public Relations/
Chaninthorn  Phettab – News/
Butsarakorn  Tuidoi – Photos/
24 March 2017