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Labour Affairs Office in Abu Dhabi Visits Employers from Al Rawafed Agriculture

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          On the 4th of December 2014, Mr. Poonsak Pramong Advising Ambassador (on labour) collaborated with the Thai Embassy in Abu Dhabi with Mr. Chakrit Ratanakij as the interpreter, to visit employers from Al Rawafed Agriculture which had requested to migrate more Thai workers in the agricultural industry. The group had requested the visit to see accommodation, the way of living of the Thai workers and the type of work being assigned to Thai workers which was in organic agricultural and big livestock farming. The employers had reported the demand for Thai workers because Thailand is an agricultural country, therefore it would facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experiences. After the visit, permission had been granted for additional workers to work at the company because working conditions were safe, compensation was at a level above average and after completing the contract, Thai workers would be able to use their acquired knowledge in developing the agricultural industry in Thailand further.

          Furthermore, the visit revealed that there were many workers from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, but with the positive reputation for Thai people being determined and enduring, made employers have a preference for Thai workers too.