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Labour Issues to be Resolved for Economic Development

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            The Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-General and spokesperson Mr. Ananchai Uthaipatanacheep revealed the Ministry of Labour’s determination on collaborating with relevant units to resolve labour issues such as child labour, slavery, exploitation and human trafficking. He explained the ministry’s implementation of stricter measures, legislative amendments, compliance with international standards and promoting equality among workers of all nationalities. The Ministry of Labour has focused on worker protection policies across all types of businesses and organization sizes, prioritizing those with higher risks of bad labour practices. It has also aimed to reform the foreign worker management system through collaboration with CLMV nations, the ILO and NGOs both in Thailand and abroad by following the 5P framework that is policy, protection, prosecution, prevention and partnership. Progress is evident in the stricter penalties for violation of labour laws, the ratification of 2 ILO conventions (ILO Convention on Work in Fishing 2006 and ILO Convention 187 concerning the promotional framework for occupational safety and health) and the establishment of foreign worker assistance centers for instance.
            The ministry’s spokesperson said, “The Ministry of Labour has targeted the setting of foundations to resolve human trafficking and illegal labour. This involves 6 factors which includes formulation of the TIP report, resolution of labour issues in the fishing industry, resolution of labour issues in the poultry industry, foreign worker management, promotion of non-discrimination in employment and occupation and resolution of slavery and child labour in worst forms. On foreign worker management in fisheries, we have started with reformation of recruitment channels through MOUs, promotion of technology to replace manual labour, development of workers’ technological skills, improvements to work environments, benefits and facilitation. The last step is to raise labour standards to meet international levels, as outlined in ILO Convention 188 on work in the fishing sector, which will promote overall happiness of workers in the fishing industry. The Ministry of Labour has clear plans that align with government policy for a Thailand 4.0, whereby aiming for the brain power workforce in 20 years’ time, driven by intellect, technology and innovation, leading to higher income and a better quality of life. The workforce is at the core of sustainable economic and social development.”

Spokesperson and Publication Sub-Division/Bureau of Public Relations /6 April 2017