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Labour Minister Assigns Secretariat to Receive Request Letter from Professional Associations, Public Taxi Motorists

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          On September 1, 2021, at 09.00 hours, Labour Minister Mr. Suchart Chomklin assigned his Secretariat, Mr. Suthep Chitayawong, to receive a request letter from the Professional Associations, Public Taxi Motorists, and a group of representatives from four taxi associations. The occasion took place at the Labour Relations Committee meeting room, 1st floor, Department of Labour Protection and Welfare, Ministry of Labour. Advisor to the Labour Minister Dr. Chamlong Chuayrod, the Department of Employment’s Deputy Director-General, Mr. Nanthachai Panyasurarit, and the Ministry of Labour’s executives also joined the occasion.
          The request by the Professional Associations, Public Taxi Motorists, included: 1) For financial groups to pause the payment for taxi installments, including the principal and interest payments until there is a change for the better. 2) To help find funding sources to support taxi operators. 3) Negotiate with financial companies to reduce the interest on taxis equal to private cars, not exceeding 5 percent per year to achieve equality. 4) Requesting taxi insurance companies to reduce the rate of paying taxi premiums. 5) To repeal the Ministerial Regulations on Hired Cars Not Exceeding 7 Passenger B.E. 2560. 6) To review the Ministerial Regulation of Transport regarding the Ministerial Regulation on Electronic Taxis B.E. 2564, which has been approved on June 27, 2021, by issuing the Ministerial Regulations on Hired Cars Not Exceeding 7 Passengers to be hired and allowed to carry passengers through electronic systems, to be registered as a private car hired following the Ministerial Regulation. 7) To reduce the cost of fuel used in public taxi transportation, to reduce the price of LPG and NGV to 10.00 Baht, whereby the operators have borne a heavy burden with the current situation. 8) To help support with remedies for people over 65 years of age who cannot access the remedies under Section 40, to receive compensation of 5,000 Baht per person.


Division of Public Relations
1 September 2021