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Labour Minister Concerns About Flooding in Chiang Rai Emphasizes for Agencies to Mobilize Personnel to Support Victims

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The Labour Minister, Mr. Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, spoke about the flash floods and forest runoff resulting from mass rainfall in the northern provinces, especially Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai, and Tak provinces. The three provinces are currently experiencing flooding, affecting 22,841 businesses, 280,203 employees, and 17,941 households. He expressed his concern about the people and said that he is closely following the situation. He has instructed agencies under the Ministry of Labour in the flood-affected provinces to work with the agencies in the provinces to provide urgent assistance to the people. On the Ministry of Labour’s part, he has instructed the Permanent Secretary of Labour to assign the provincial labour offices and agencies under the Ministry of Labour in the flooded areas to provide full support to various agencies in each province. The Labour Minister has supported 90,000 bottles of drinking water for the provincial labour offices to distribute to victims in the area.

The Permanent Secretary of Labour, Mr. Pairoj Chotikasathien, added that the Labour Minister, Mr. Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn is concerned about the situation. Therefore, he has instructed the provincial labour offices and all agencies under the Ministry of Labour to mobilize assistance immediately. He has supported staff in mobilizing assistance according to the mission to help people to a safe place together with the province. He opened the area of the Labour Skill Development Institute to be used as a temporary shelter for flood victims and prepared consumer goods and relief bags to give to victims. He has also implemented the Ministry of Labour’s mission to provide services to the people to restore the area after the water recedes. At the same time, he has opened a flood relief center to request assistance via the Ministry of Labour’s hotline. Most recently, he received a report from the Chiang Rai Provincial Labour Office that they have distributed the drinking water that the Minister of Labour provided to the victims in the area. He has also made a plan with the agencies under his jurisdiction to provide further assistance and recovery.

Employees, employers, and people affected by the flood who are suffering and want to request assistance from agencies under the Ministry of Labour can contact the Ministry of Labour’s hotline at 1506 for more information.