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Labour Minister Encourages Businesses to Leverage Benefits of the Labour Skill Development Fund to Develop Worker’s Skills and Boost Potential of Thai Businesses

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On February 20, 2025, Mr. Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, Minister of Labour, chaired the seminar opening on benefits from the Labour Skill Development Fund. Mr. Boonsong Thapchaiyut, the Permanent Secretary of Labour, Mr. Samat Pattamasukon, the Deputy Permanent Secretary of Labour, and Mr. Santi Nantasuwan, the Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-General and Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary of Labour, also joined the event. Mr. Decha Phrukphatthanarak, the Director-General of the Department of Skill Development, gave a report. In addition, executives from the Ministry of Labour and officials from business establishments in the Bangkok area joined the ceremony at the Grand Ballroom, 3rd floor, Bangkok Palace Hotel, Bangkok.

Mr. Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, Minister of Labour, said that the Ministry of Labour, through the Department of Skill Development, is hosting a seminar on benefits from the Skill Development Fund to advise businesses to recognize the importance and comply with the Skill Development Promotion Act and to fully utilize the benefits from the Skill Development Fund. In addition, it supports business establishments in prioritizing employee skill development in accordance with the Skill Development Promotion Act to increase business capabilities, enabling them to reduce costs, increase production and service efficiency, and ensure that employees have skills that match the labour market. In addition, they receive tax benefits, allowing businesses to deduct expenses from training at a rate of 100 percent of the costs spent. If more than 70 percent of all employees are trained, they can apply for assistance or subsidies of 200 Baht per person. Or if there are employees who have been certified with labour skill standards and the business has paid wages at the standard labour skill rate for no less than 180 days, they can apply for assistance or subsidies of 1,000 Baht per person, not exceeding 100,000 Baht per year.

In addition, the Department of Skill Development also has a Skill Development Fund, in which businesses can apply for a loan to finance training or labour skill standards assessment for employees. The loan amount is up to 1,000,000 Baht per application, with an interest rate of 0% and a repayment period not exceeding 12 months. Therefore, if businesses are aware of and comply with the Department of Skill Development’s Skill Development Promotion Act, they will receive good benefits in skills development, have employees with standards, are up-to-date, and have more work skills that are in line with the labour market and can support the new economy, such as the digital industry, clean energy, and the green economy.

Mr. Decha Phrukphatthanarak, the Director-General of the Department of Skill Development, said that the Department of Skill Development has set a goal in 2025 to promote business establishments to develop employees and the skills of 4 million workers nationwide. As for the Skill Development Institute 13 in Bangkok, the goal is to create the skills of 1.57 million workers from 7,231 business establishments. However, if the business establishments have submitted the curriculum certification and have completed the skills development for their employees from January to December 2024, they can submit the form showing the contribution to the Skill Development Fund (Sor.Tor.2) from today until March 31, 2025, via the PRB e-Service online system.
There are many more benefits from the LabourSkill Development Fund. For more information, contact the Skill Development Office or Institute in any province.