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Labour Minister Leads Thai Trilateral Team to Visit Geneva and Attends the ILC to Submit Ratification of Convention No. 144; Assigns Assistant to Discuss with ASEAN Labour Ministers on Establishment of the ASEAN Fund to Create a Network for Developing Labour Skills and Human Capital

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    The Labour Minister, Mr. Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, the Assistant to the Labour Minister, Mr. Siraphop Duangsodsri, the Permanent Secretary of Labour, Mr. Pairoj Chotikasathien, the Ministry of Labour’s executives and government representatives traveled to Geneva in Switzerland to participate in the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference and joined discussions with member countries on various issues. Yesterday evening, the Assistant to the Labour Minister, Mr. Siraphop Duangsodsri, was assigned to act as a representative to discuss with ASEAN country Labour Ministers and exchange information about the Malaysian Skills Development Fund with the Malaysian Minister of Human Resources, Mr. Steven Sim Chee Keong. They discussed the establishment of the ASEAN Fund to benefit by creating a network for developing labour skills and human capital in member countries.

     Mr. Phiphat said that the meeting included an agenda to meet with the Director-General of the International Labour Organization, Mr. Gilbert F. Houngbo, to discuss government matters regarding labour.

     “The Ministry of Labour ratified Convention No. 144, which the Cabinet passed and signed together with the Director-General of the International Labour Organization. Important points are showing Thailand’s determination to promote social dialogue and trilateral consultations on issues related to international labour standards. The objective is to promote good relationships and creative discussion between employers, employees, and the government in pursuit of social justice and valuable work for everyone in Thailand,” said Mr. Phiphat.

     Mr. Pairoj said that the Ministry of Labour is committed to trilateral work, pushing forward ideas driven by the International Labour Organization, which focuses on using important operational strategies. One such strategy is negotiation in tripartite form, which must have representatives from all three parties to have an efficient working mechanism and continue to create balance with all parties.

     The Chairman of the Employers’ Confederation of Agriculture, Business, and Thai Industry, Mr. Praphan Pusayapaiboon, said that the focus is on creating a better quality of life for workers under the framework of various conventions, rights, and equality and actions that may affect humanity, and importantly, adopting the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of His Majesty King Rama IX for the highest benefit of the world community. Employer and employee representatives have praised Thailand’s Ministry of Labour for amending labour laws to be consistent with the current environment and in a better direction. It also provides opportunities for employers and business owners to participate in supporting work with employees and the government.