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Labour Minister Prepares Visit to Khon Kaen

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         The Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-General and spokesperson Mr. Ananchai Uthaipatanacheep explained that on 2 June 2016, Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul and committee will visit Khon Kaen province to monitor workforce preparations supporting the Greater Mekong Sub-region Economic Cooperation (GMS).  Khon Kaen was identified as a suitable province as it is a large economy and center for trade, investments, services, transportation and logistics, with a geographically strategic location for investment.
    Mr. Ananchai explained that during the visit, the Labour Minister would listen to obstacles and suggestions by the private sector, academics and relevant units at the Khon Kaen City Hall. The Labour Minister will then present guidelines to government officers from affiliated units across the 6 Northeastern provinces including Khon Kaen, Maha Sarakram, Nakhon Ratchasima, Surin, Burirum and Chaiyaphum. In the afternoon, the Labour Minister and committee will visit Phoenix Pulp and Paper Public Company Limited and present certificates to successors of the national skills assessments at Cho Thavee Public Company Limited.
    “The Labour Minister has given great importance to preparing the workforce for economic development in alignment with government policy. This will lead to job creation, better income and an improved quality of living for the people in the area,” said Mr. Ananchai.


Spokesperson and Publication Sub-Division/
Bureau of Public Relations /
Chaninthorn  Phettab – News/
29 May 2017