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Labour Minister Presents Thailand Labour Management Excellence Award 2017

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            Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul congratulated recipients of the Thailand Labour Management Excellence Award 2017 at the Impact Arena, Exhibition and Convention Center in Muang Thong Thani, Nonthaburi. He said that the Ministry of Labour is dedicated to producing a productive manpower through implementation of its 20-year workforce development strategy (2017-2036) which will create decent work, ensure legal protection, promote fair employment, a safe working environment, quality employee relations, suitable welfare and potential to international standards, as well as to create high income employment and a high productivity workforce. This will in turn create a sustainably high quality of life to elevate Thailand into a developed nation through the royal sustainable economic teachings.



            The Thailand Management Excellence Award 2017 and the awarding of trophies to organizations which showed consistent quality management of the Thai workforce, outstanding organizations on welfare and employee relations and the award for organizations on occupational health, safety and environmental measures, is an initiative in driving the Thailand 4.0 policy; the Labour Minister commended all award recipients on this occasion.
            Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul awarded 13 organizations for 10 consistent years of quality labour standards, 6 organizations for 15 consecutive years on outstanding welfare and employee relations (2003-2017) and another 40 organizations for 15 consecutive years (platinum) on outstanding measures for occupational health, safety and environment in the workplace.
            Following the awards, Permanent Secretary of Labour M.L. Puntrik Smiti awarded 42 organizations for 10 consistent years (2008-2017) on outstanding welfare and employee relations and 96 organizations for 10 consecutive years (platinum) on outstanding measures for occupational health, safety and environment in the workplace.


Bureau of Public Relations

25 August 2017

Kantipon Kusmit – News

Sompob Silbut – Photos