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Labour Minister Promotes Labour Standards in the Northeast and Opens a Thai Boxing and Massage Skill Testing Center to Issue Certificates for Work  Immediately

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            On July 25, 2024, the Labour Minister, Mr. Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, assigned the Secretariat to the Labour Minister, Mr. Aree Krainara, to the northeastern region of Udon Thani to present the Labour Skill Standards Testing Center for Muay Thai Trainers in Level 1 sign to the National Sports University, Udon Thani Campus, and the National Labour Skill Standards Testing Center for Thai Massage.
            After presenting the testing center sign, the Secretariat to the Labour Minister, Mr. Aree Krainara, said that the Labour Minister, Mr. Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, places importance on national labour skill standards in all fields. Workers who have achieved national labour skill standards from the Ministry of Labour’s Department of Skill Development are considered quality workers. They have official documents certifying their skill levels and are recognized by many countries. The branches of Muay Thai trainers and Thai massage therapists are career branches that can generate income both domestically and internationally and are currently receiving much attention. Therefore, the Labour Minister has assigned the acceleration of the establishment of Thai boxing and Thai massage trainer standard testing centers to cover all regions nationwide. This time, the National Sports University, Udon Thani Campus, has been granted a license to be a labour skill standard testing center for the Level 1 Muay Thai trainer branch. Currently, there are 26 labour skill standard testing centers in this field nationwide, with 82 boxing teachers passing the labour skill standard test. In Udon Thani Province, there are 2 locations: Sirilak Singh Yui Muay Thai Boxing Camp and the National Sports University, Udon Thani Campus, which is the second location. As for the Thai massage branch, Panispa Thai Massage School, Udon Thani, has been granted permission to be a testing center. Today, there was a signing of the cooperation agreement between the Udon Thani Skill Development Institute 18, Nakhon Ratchasima Thai Traditional Medicine Association (Udon Thani Branch), and Panispa Thai Massage School, Udon Thani to jointly develop skills for local workers in Thai traditional medicine and other related fields.
            Mr. Aree continued that “Muay Thai” has been announced by the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee to be included in the 2023 European Games. Muay Thai is very popular. In addition, Muay Thai is one of the 11 potential industries that the government has given importance to, including the Thai massage profession. It is expected that it will be able to drive economic value in all forms, whether in the service industry or tourism, which can generate hundreds of billions of baht in the economy. Therefore, it is believed that it will significantly stimulate the Thai economy. Muay Thai and Thai massage have their unique characteristics and are loved and popular all over the world. The Department of Skill Development has implemented the policies of the government and the Minister of Labour to promote the public and private sectors to establish labour skill standard testing centers in both fields to support the needs of workers who will take the assessments and use the skill standard certificate as evidence to achieve appropriate wages and create international acceptance.
            “On this occasion, I would like to thank all relevant agencies that have recognized the importance of developing labour skills in Muay Thai and Thai massage so that professionals have skills that are accepted worldwide. Businesses interested in setting up labour skill standard testing centers can contact the institute and the Labour Skill Development Office in every province. For those who want to take the test to become a Muay Thai trainer, you can search for a registered labour skill standard testing center that is authorized by the Department of Skill Development at,” concluded Mr. Aree.
Division of Public Relations