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Labour Minister Promotes Thai-Oman Friendship on Labour and Invites Investment in Tourism and Energy in the Country

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  On July 23, 2024, at 13.00 hours, the Labour Minister, Mr. Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, welcomed the Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to Thailand, Mr. Issa Abdullah Jaber Al-Alawi and the delegation on a courtesy call to congratulate the Labour Minister on the occasion of assuming the position and to discuss bilateral relations between Oman and Thailand, as well as ways to promote cooperation in the labour between the two countries. The Permanent Secretary of Labour, Mr. Pairoj Chotikasathien, the Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-General, Mr. Samat Pattamasukon, and the Ministry of Labour’s executives gave a welcome at the Chatumongkol meeting room, 6th floor, Ministry of Labour.

  The Labour Minister, Mr. Phiphat Ratchakitprakarn, thanked the Omani Ambassador to Thailand and his delegation for the honour of meeting him and the Ministry of Labour’s executives. He said that Oman has created opportunities for foreigners by employing over 1.5 million foreign workers. He took the opportunity to thank Oman for welcoming approximately 1,066 Thai workers to work there, most of whom work in the service sector, such as receptionists, traditional massage therapists, Thai chefs, and beauticians. This is a good opportunity for both countries to develop their economies in various industries for mutual labour cooperation and to jointly develop the workforce’s skills in the future.

  “From today’s discussion, the Ministry of Labour is pleased and ready to provide support in the labour sector and to invite investors from Oman to invest in Thailand, such as in tourism and energy businesses, which are new opportunities for workers which will drive the economies of both countries. I am pleased for the Omani government to develop labour skills by sending officials to train workers for Thai workers to be considered for hiring, in line with their needs, and to set appropriate wage rates for hiring Thai workers that align with their capabilities and expertise,” said Mr. Phiphat.

  The Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to Thailand, Mr. Issa Abdullah Jaber Al-Alawi, thanked the Labour Minister and his team for the opportunity to meet and discuss labour cooperation today. He said that Oman is ready to assist, take action, and coordinate labour affairs between the two countries. He said that he was pleased to sign an MOU to jointly develop labour skills and sincerely hopes that the labour cooperation will be formalized in the near future and will continue to develop more closely.