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Labour Minister Receives ‘Outstanding Minister’ Award For Achievements in Effectively Resolving Labour Issues Amid the Crisis

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           The Labour Minister received the ‘Outstanding Minister’ award at the Siamrath Online Award 2022 for his work in solving labour problems effectively amid the COVID-19 situation. The Ministry of Labour was also awarded the ‘Best Media Creation for the People.’ The Ministry of Labour is an organization that continually and comprehensively disseminates information beneficial to the public. The Social Security Office was also awarded the ‘Excellent Labour Society Promotion and Creation Agency.’

          On May 6, 2022, the Labour Minister Mr. Suchart Chomklin received the ‘Outstanding Minister’ award at the Siamrath Online Award 2022 for his successes in solving labour issues, including effective policies to care for the welfare of Thai and foreign workers amid the Covid-19 pandemic. His policies were able to deploy workers back to the labour market in Saudi Arabia successfully.

          Siamrath Co., Ltd. also presented an award for the ‘Best Media Creation for the People’ to the Permanent Secretary of Labour, Mr. Boonchob Suttamanaswong, who represented the Ministry of Labour. It was recognized as an organization that continuously shares information beneficial to the public and is comprehensive in terms of skill development, welfare and labour protection, recruitment, and care for the people in the social security system. This allows the public to receive accurate and practical information. In addition, the Social Security Office was awarded the ‘Excellent Labour Society Promotion and Creation Agency.’

          In this regard, Siamrath organized the Siamrath Online Award 2022 on May 6, 2022, with a live broadcast via three channels, including the Siamrathonline Facebook, Line@Siamrath, and Siamrathonline TikTok. The event was hosted to award and honour government agencies, the private sector, individuals, senior political executives, full-time civil servants, and politicians, including people in the entertainment industry who are commended or specialize in contributing to society. Awardees were selected by a committee from Siamrath Co., Ltd. and people on social media.


Division of Public Relations
6 May 2022