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Labour Minister Responds to PM Instructions and Listens to Private Sector to Issue Remedies to Support Workers and Businesses

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          On July 15, 2021, Labour Minister Mr. Suchart Chomklin reported that the Cabinet’s issued measures on July 13, 2021, to help workers inside and outside the social security system that have been affected by the business closures and measures to control the spread of COVID-19 in the most controlled areas in ten provinces, including Bangkok and its vicinities, and the four southern border provinces for one month. The types of businesses that receive support expanded from the original 4 to 9 branches. In this regard, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense General Prayuth Chan-ocha have concerns about the workforce, including both employers and employees who have been affected by COVID-19. The Labour Minister was instructed to visit the area to listen to the feedback from entrepreneurs and the private sector to speed up implementing the measures as soon as possible. The Labour Minister has instructed the Social Security Office to expedite a meeting to discuss with the Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDB) and related agencies to clarify the details, conditions, and criteria to be completed before submitting to the Cabinet for consideration next week for further approval.

          Meanwhile, Mr. Thanit Sorat, Vice Chairman of the Employer’s Confederation of Thai Trade and Industry (ECONTHAI), said that overall, he agreed with measures to help heal workers and entrepreneurs in the highest control areas in the ten provinces. Although the conditions are not yet clearly defined, the overall assistance in this round is considered good as it helps both employees and employers in the system and the informal system. It is an additional payment to entrepreneurs and workers both inside and outside the social security system, with a budget of 30 billion Baht.

          Mr. Kriengkrai Kaewket, President of the Thai Taxi Workers’ Confederation, Advisor to the Chairman of the Labour Commission, said that the confederation now has more than 2,000 members and is growing. During the COVID-19 crisis, it was directly affected, reducing income. He said that he was glad that the government came out to help with remedies and see the workforce’s importance, especially taxi drivers who survive on a day-to-day basis. The remedies will help alleviate the burden of daily expenses. The help that he wants now is how to ensure taxi drivers receive benefits and protection. Most of the drivers are around 65 years of age. They need life security in life and more access to welfare from the government in various welfare fields.

          Ms. Thaniwan Kulmongkol, President of the Thai Restaurant Association, said that the COVID-19 outbreak has caused people to have no income. The Ministry of Labour has given the business sector more morale and income, creating a circular economy, promoting happiness among employees and employers. She said that she sees the value of participation from many sectors, including the public and private sectors, joining together to support every aspect during this coronavirus situation, especially in closing worker camps to control the outbreak. As a result, workers have good food to eat. She said that she had seen concrete relief measures during this period. Therefore, she thanked all sectors for supporting the government officials and everyone who has come out to help people overcome this situation together.


Division of Public Relations
15 July 2021