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Labour Minister Signs MOU with 7 Ministries on Human Development Throughout Life Caring for Women and Elderly Labour Rights

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          On March 24, 2022, Labour Minister Mr. Suchart Chomklin participated in the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding on integrating seven ministries on Human Development Throughout Life (Young Children and the Elderly) 2022 – 2026. Prime Minister and Minister of Defense General Prayuth Chan-ocha chaired the event at the Santi Maitree Building, Government Houses. Permanent Secretary of Labour, Mr. Boonchob Suttamanaswong, and the Ministry of Labour’s executives also joined the occasion at the Santi Maitree Building, Government Houses.
          Mr. Suchart said that for the cooperation framework of the Ministry of Labour integrating with all seven ministries in the development of people throughout their lives, in the elderly group, the Ministry of Labour would protect and encourage the elderly to have stability in work, security, and good quality of life. It will support extending the retirement age for seniors who have the potential and experience to be an important force and help drive the country’s economy. It aims to promote and support the employment and self-employment for the elderly to generate income and enable them to live with dignity, reduce the burden and dependence on family, promote and support the employment of those who have passed the Elderly Caregiver Program, as well as develop skills and a training model for the elderly. The training will focus on promoting skills and occupations according to the needs of the elderly and promote skill standards assessments following labour market needs. It will further develop national skill standards in the fields related to the elderly.
          As for the cooperation in the development of people throughout their lives for young children, the Ministry of Labour will work on protecting and promoting pregnant women. Postpartum women will receive appropriate rights and welfare. It will further support establishments to have breastfeeding corners, in-house early childhood development centers and conduct a national skill standard assessment for caregivers of young children according to the criteria set by the Labour Skill Development Promotion.
          Mr. Suchart continued that this signing was born from the cooperation of seven ministries, namely the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security, the Ministry of Higher Education Science Research and Innovation, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Health. The collaboration was formed with the shared intention to drive human development throughout life for the elderly and young children. The effort will jointly push the policy level towards concrete practice to create operational mechanisms that facilitate the care of target groups at the local level linked with the relevant government policies and strategic plans to achieve efficient integrated operations, driving for the sustainable achievement of the goals set forth.


Division of Public Relations
24 March 2022