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Labour Office in Taipei Reports “Taiwanese Ministry of Labour Amends Labour Laws on Employers Demanding Employees to Work on Holidays”

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           The Taiwanese Ministry of Labour is in the process of amending labour laws in the case that employers demand for employees to work during holidays, as in the past employers have reasoned that work must be completed urgently, cancelling holidays for employees, with exceptions to natural disasters or emergency crisis situations.


           The Taiwanese Ministry of Labour is in the process of amending labour laws in the case that employers demand for employees to work during holidays, as in the past employers have reasoned that work must be completed urgently, cancelling holidays for employees, with exceptions to natural disasters or emergency crisis situations.


           The amended law will clearly state consequences for employers demanding employees to work on weekly holidays, whereby employers will be fined between 200,000 – 300,000 Taiwanese Dollars, having to pay twice the wage and giving the employee one extra compensation day. It is forecasted that the law will be passed and enforced in 2016. At present, Taiwanese labour law states that employees must have 1 holiday to every 7 days. 


Taiwan Labour Office