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Labour Safety Networks to Eliminate Losses

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            Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul commenced the workshop with a curriculum on promoting workplace safety networks for the first batch, which took place at the Tawana Hotel in Bangkok. He said that the Prime Minister General Prayuth Chan-ocha’s government has showed concern for building a culture on safety to make Thailand a safe nation. As a result, the Safety Thailand policy has been initiated to reduce the incident of death and loss of assets among the people, as well as help boost the nation’s economy. The Ministry of Labour’s role is to ensure occupational safety and hygiene, in compliance with the national master plan on occupational safety, hygiene and environment as well as the strategy on driving the national agenda on worker safety and hygiene. This focuses on 3 aspects including spreading awareness to all stakeholders, strict enforcement of laws and formulating measures to drive missions on safety which involves collaboration by public enterprises, the private sector, social sector and safety networks.



            The Ministry of Labour gives great importance to its 743,956 safety officers nationwide and work under the Safety, Occupational Hygiene and Workplace Environment Act B.E. 2554.  The Department of Labour Protection and Welfare has been assigned responsibility of arranging the project to strengthen networks to work as one on carrying out workplace safety related missions and promote a culture on sharing experience and knowledge. This can then be extended to campaigns to create awareness among employers, businesses and the public to help control dangerous situations and illnesses from manifesting in the workplace, leading to the ultimate target of zero losses in the workplace.
The project comprises 2 curriculums which include 10 batches for the technical skills development curriculum and 2 batches for the workplace safety network promotion curriculum. Today’s session was the first batch on workplace safety network promotion with a total of 100 participants comprising chairmen and association representatives, and safety officers stationed nationwide.


Bureau of Public Relations /
29 March 2017
Kantipon Kusmit – News/
Sompob Silbut – Photos/