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Lamphun Labour Office, MOL Provincial Units and ISOC Inspect Risk Groups

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               On November 23, 2018, Ms. Salaley Chaisiriwong, Professional Labour Specialist, Acting Head of Labour for Lamphun province, assigned Professional Labour Specialist, Ms. Waranya Suthluang,  in collaboration with the Lamphun Ministry of Labour’s Inspection Team and representatives from the Lamphun Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) to inspect risk groups according to the Action Plan on Labour Protection and Trafficking in Lamphun Province for 2019. There are six factories in the Mueang District of Lamphun, one in construction, three in hotels / lodging, one in recycling and one in shipping with 100 employees comprising 74 Thai workers and 26 foreign nationals. The results of the investigation did not find any forced labour, human trafficking or worst forms of child labour.