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Ministry of Labor discussed national strategy ‘Create opportunities and social equality’.

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          On 27 August 2018, at 13.30, Minister of Labor, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, together with Mr. Jarin Chakkaphark, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labour attended the meeting with Mr. Ennu Suisuwan Chairman, National Strategic Committee on Opportunity and Social Equality and the delegation to discuss the preparation of the National Strategic Plan on Opportunity and Social Equality. There are five issues to discuss: 1. Increasing productivity and protection of Thai workers. 2. Creating social security. 3. Promoting the employment of disadvantaged groups, women, and the elderly. 4.Development of labor force area and 5. Preparation for supporting the elderly society at the reception room of the Labor Minister, 6th Floor, Ministry of Labor.

