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Ministry of Labor opens seminar on open house when AI technology shakes the world labor market: what will Thailand’s labor force do?

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          On April 19, 2018, Mrs. Petcharat Sinauy, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Labor presided over the opening ceremony of the seminar on ” When AI technology hits the labor market: what will Thai labor do? “At The Emerald Hotel “This era is a period of social and technological change. The leading countries in the modern world are based on the use of automation. Artificial Intelligence (AI), replacing human labor, such as South Korea, Singapore, Germany and Japan, are the countries with the highest number of robots in the world. These changes will have a profound effect on future work. It is a challenge for organizations, both the public and private sector, to prepare for a wave of change. In addition, the Bank of Thailand has reported that in 2016, the use of robots in Thailand is about 50%. The three sectors of high investment in machinery include electronics, chemicals and plastics, because robots help in a structured, repeatable, cost-effective manner without having to hire high-wage workers, helping workers at risk for workplace hazards. Over 90% of robots operate welding steel and robots can work in addition to the ability that people do, such as the production of electronic components that are small to the naked eye. Including labor shortage by the electronic industry shortage of skilled workers is a major problem. There are three times worse than the industry average, while other manufacturing industries, such as clothing, apparel, or paper, are expected to be replaced by robots because of the limitations of the mechanical.



           “Thailand has not released workers to use the robot. I do not know if there will be a major demise in the future. Thailand can not remain calm with this current. Thailand has the potential to use robots. And the cost of robots is reduced with better technology. Entrepreneurs may use robots to replace workers. In this regard, the Ministry of Labor is not calm. It is important to prepare policy to prepare for this situation and work with relevant agencies to improve the skills of workers who respond to changing technology. This is a direct mission of the Ministry. For the sake of clarity in the same direction, the ideas of the three parties, the public, the private sector and the labor sector, should be used to bring the results of the seminar to the policy and working guidelines of the Ministry of Labor. It is in the right spot and meets the needs of all sectors, leading to the cooperation in accordance with the civil service mechanism in the future, ” Mrs. Petcharat said in the end.
