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Ministry of Labor presided over the MOU 3 public and private sectors to create a safe culture in educational institutions.

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            Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labor, presided over the opening ceremony of the project “Safety Thailand in Schools with Youth in Labor” and the signing ceremony. “Creating a culture of safety in schools” between the Department of Labor Protection and Welfare Bangkok And the Federation of Thai Industries Wednesday, 20 June 2018 at the meeting room of the Ministry of Labor. That the government attaches importance. With the implementation of safety, occupational health and working environment. There are 3 main policies: 1. Create awareness and awareness of safety. 2. Strictly enforce the law to ensure safety; and 3. Establish public safety mechanisms in the implementation of safety. Under the Strategic Plan for Driving the National Agenda “Workers are safe and healthy”, and the Safety Thailand plan is aimed at creating a culture of preventive safety and a zero-impact workplace vision. 

          The important mechanism is to raise awareness and raise awareness about safety. Development of work habits and livelihoods under the concept. “safety first Be conscious before you start, “and modify and reduce risk behaviors from an early age, so students are the primary goal because they are the future workforce of national importance. It is a preparation before entering the labor market focus on knowledge, understand and recognize safety along with corporate development, develop academic technical potential for effective occupation. This project has a safe educational contest. This is done under the cooperative record of creating a culture of safety to the school. It is important for the public and private sectors to promote student safety activities in order to create a protective culture. This will lead to a lower rate of harm and follow the objectives of Safety Thailand. 
          In addition, the Minister of Labor presented the honor. The best safe school for the Jarakekob mosque. (Kulangkuluppatham) under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, which organizes safety activities for students and educational personnel of the school continuously, “said Minister of Labor.
