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Ministry of Labor set targets! 2018 sends 40,000 Thai workers to work abroad

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          H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, the Minister of Labor, aims to send 40,000 Thai workers to work in 10 countries in 10 countries, mostly Taiwan, South Korea and Israel respectively with protection in foreign countries to enable Thai workers to work abroad with the potential, internationally protected and sustainable quality of life. There are currently over 420,000 Thai workers working abroad, and more than 120,000 million baht in remittances.
          Mr. Anurak Tossarat, Director-General, Department of Employment The Ministry of Labor announced that in 2018, H.E. Police General Adul Sangsingkeo, Minister of Labor targeted to send 40,000 Thai workers to work abroad, the Department of Employment has fulfilled this policy. 40,000 people in 10 countries, including Asia, 30,000 workers, 20,000 in Taiwan, 6,000 in Korea, 3,000 in Japan, and other countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau and more. Middle East is 1,000 people, 5,000 people in Israel, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and so on. The European region is Sweden 3,000, Finland 2,000.
          The Ministry of Labor has set a target for Thai workers to work abroad in a potent and internationally protected manner during work and when returning to the country for good quality of Thai workers. It also expands the quality labor market for Thai workers. Thai workers are appreciated by their employers for their hard work, diligence and dedication. This is the strength of Thai labor that is recognized around the world. Currently there are 427,622 Thai workers working in foreign countries, and in the past 2560. Thai workers can bring back their incomes of 126,000 million baht. If any job seekers want to work abroad confidently, they will not be deceived. Please contact the provincial employment office in all provinces. Bangkok Employment Office, Area 1-10, or Hotline, Ministry of Labor Tel. 1506 press 2 Department of Employment, said Mr. Anurak.