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Ministry of Labour Confident in Better Labour Resolutions for Fishing Industry

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            The Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-General Mr. Soothi Sukosol spoke about the progress of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing. He said that the Ministry of Labour’s visit to meet with Thailand’s EU representative in Brussels of Belgium, allowed the ministry to share information of true progress on the issue. The EU acknowledged the Ministry of Labour’s efforts and were satisfied with the outcomes.
Mr. Soothi said that the Command Center for Protection of Labour’s (CCPL) information pointed out current information on migrant workers in the fishing industry. Statistics were gathered from the One Stop Service center and MOU recruitment channels totaling 343,511 people, comprising 78,290 workers in the fishing industry and 265,221 in the seafood processing industry. He added that government policy on legal migrant workers in Thailand remain clear, whereby workers must pass through citizenship verification processes and work according to the MOU framework. There have been negotiations with origin countries on important workers for the fishing industry in parallel with enforcing relevant legislation and enhancing employment to meet international standards, particularly ILO Convention 188 on work in fishing. The convention is currently under study with the ILO and EU, via the Ship to Shore Rights Project nd will contribute considerably to improving employment conditions in the fishing industry


Spokesperson and Publication Sub-Division /
Bureau of Public Relations/
Chaninthorn  Phettab – News/
30 January 2017