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Ministry of Labour Enhances Communication Channels to the People

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            The Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-General Mr. Soothi Sukosol chaired the seminar on publicizing labour-related news, supporting knowledge towards a Thailand 4.0.




             The seminar took place at the Ballroom at the Eastin Hotel on Makkasan in Bangkok. In his speech, he said that Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul had emphasized the Ministry of Labour’s officers and officials to act as publicists and share information and knowledge with the people. He also reiterated the need for a proactive working approach and the ability to respond to the peoples’ needs effectively, meaning that state officers and officials would need to maintain up-to-date with current labour situations both locally and internationally. In addition to this, the Labour Minister highlighted the necessity to share understanding on the 20-year strategy on human resource development (2017 – 2036), the 8+1 agendas for reformation, the 5-year master plan on workforce development (2017 – 2021) and the restructuring of the ministry’s role in determining directions for Thailand’s workforce development. All of the listed correspond with the government’s policies for a Thailand 4.0, in driving the economy through innovation towards stability, prosperity and sustainability.

             The seminar was focused on creating knowledge and communication skills among the Ministry of Labour’s officers and officials, enhancing the ability to communicate labour-related news and information on government policy to targeted audiences. The seminar also aimed to create networks to allow information to be dispersed effectively, and was attended by 120 participants comprising the Ministry of Labour’s officers and officials.


Bureau of Public Relations
Kantiphon Khusamit – News/Photos
17 February 2017