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Ministry of Labour Partners with Microsoft for “M-Powered Thailand”

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            Today, 3 February 2017 at 10.00, Labour Minister General Sirichai gave a speech after chairing the press release on the launch of “M-Powered Thailand”. He explained that the Ministry of Labour has partnered with Microsoft Thailand to launch the M-Powered Thailand online development portal, which will be a tool to equally increase income and develop the skills of Thai people in the digital age. The project aligns with government policy on pulling Thailand out of the middle-income gap, the 20-year national strategies and alignment with the Thailand 4.0. The importance of this project’s success is the public and private sector having aligned vision for human resource development, and implementing it for true achievement. The Labour Minister said that Microsoft’s support with technology would be beneficial towards the development of skills and knowledge of the Thai workforce, leading to increase income and quality of living. He said that in the digital age where changes are rapid, both employers and employees would need to remain flexible and adjust to the new age in order to survive. The project therefore aims to support this and lead the Thai workforce towards a Thailand 4.0.


             The Labour Minister further stated that the M-Powered Thailand platform would be available on computer and smartphone. The platform will be equipped with information on professional and working life, connected through the Ministry of Labour and other recruitment agents which are part of the ministry’s network. He said that students would be able to test their skills to understand their own strengths, whereas the general public would be able to use it to get for information on different professions and job vacancies at all times. The Labour Minister said that the Ministry of Labour had great hopes that the M-Powered Thailand project would drive the workforce to the “Brain Power” phase in the future.


Bureau of Public Relations/Panjida  Yuphasuk – News/Sompob Silbut – Photos/3 February 2016