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Ministry of Labour Supports Paternity Leave

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            Deputy Permanent Secretary of Labour Mr. Singhadet Chu-umnart joined the press conference on rights of men in caring for children, organized by the Swedish Embassy and Ikea Thailand at the Bangkok Arts and Culture Center (BACC). He said that Sweden has implemented policies for paid paternity leave which was important for gender equality. Men in Sweden are entitled to 90 days of paid paternity leave from a total of 480 days (16 months), whereas in Thailand, the government has given more importance to the women giving birth as well as allowing the father to take leave to ease the upbringing. He explained that the government is still considering revisions to paternity and maternity leave to improve the quality of life for working women, who are currently entitled to 90 days of leave. The Ministry of Labour is also currently devising a manual on mother care. However, there are currently no rights for working fathers in caring for newborns in the private sector, whereas the public sector allows fathers 15 days to care for their newborn babies. The government is currently under consideration for driving international policies like those of Sweden, to be applicable to fathers in both the public and private industry.





Bureau of Public Relations /
Kantipon Kusmit – News/Photos /
10 March 2017