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Ministry of Labour to Become Ministry of Human Resources

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           The Ministry of Labour’s Inspector-General Mr. Soothi Sukosol explained the ministry’s reformation as 1 of the 8 reformation agendas this year. The agenda is part of Labour Minister General Sirichai Distakul’s policy which focuses on “people” as the core for economic and social development, where he said that the people must be equipped with the right knowledge, skills and values for value added work, increasing the nation’s competitiveness.
Mr. Soothi explained that the ministry’s reformation plan would adapt the ministry’s role to align with the national 20-year strategy and human resource development strategy which the Ministry of Labour is jointly responsible for with the Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Education. He said that the progress was still under consideration and to be acknowledged by all stakeholders before further process.
           “The idea of changing the Ministry of Labour’s name to be the Ministry of Human Resources aligned with the 20-year mission for all working groups to have significance in driving the economy, society and national stability sustainably, through innovation and technology. This will be the age where the population works using brain power,” said Mr. Soothi.


Spokesperson and Publication Sub-Division/
Bureau of Public Relations /
Chaninthorn  Phettab – News/
4 April 2017